Living an infused life

The Holy Spirit is given in us to influence us to become Christ-like in our Character, Nature, Personality and therefore also our behavior. This does not imply that we lose our individuality. God has created us to be unique. It means that our entire being becomes infused with Him and that whatever lives in us that we inherited from the carnal life of living in the flesh, as being separated from Him, is being dispelled until we become a sweet smelling savor unto the Father, as sons redeemed, re-created (remade and remodeled) by the Son.
How does this change happen?
It happens as we allow the Holy Spirit to influence every aspect of our being. To infuse us with Himself. That means that any part of us that is still subject to sin needs to willingly be yielded to Him so He may penetrate that area of our lives with His Life, and transform us in that area by our willing obedience to allow Him to do so, until we look just like Him in that area (and in every other area) of our lives.
When we (our thoughts, will, nature, personality and character - called our soul - or the essence of we are as created beings) yield to the Holy Spirit in our lives, He comes to influence us and becomes a Living part of all we are.
It is then when we find the Holy Spirit not only dwelling in our spirit, but being a part of all we are - spirit, soul and body - and when we find our lives bearing His Life (pleasant Fruit) for all to encounter through us!
God bless you as you begin yielding every area of your life to Him today!
- Johann VD Hoven


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