
Living an infused life

The Holy Spirit is given in us to influence us to become Christ-like in our Character, Nature, Personality and therefore also our behavior. This does not imply that we lose our individuality. God has created us to be unique. It means that our entire being becomes infused with Him and that whatever lives in us that we inherited from the carnal life of living in the flesh, as being separated from Him, is being dispelled until we become a sweet smelling savor unto the Father,  as sons redeemed, re-created (remade and remodeled) by the Son. How does this change happen? It happens as we allow the Holy Spirit to influence every aspect of our being. To infuse us with Himself. That means that any part of us that is still subject to sin needs to willingly be yielded to Him so He may penetrate that area of our lives with His Life, and transform us in that area by our willing obedience to allow Him to do so, until we look just like Him in that area (and in every other area) of our...


Earthly provision is the fruit of our Heavenly Union. When we walk in Heavenly Places, God's eye is always upon us on earth, and His hand is ever-ready to sustain our every need. The key is to be Heavenly minded, so we may be vessels of His plan and purpose in being earthly good! -  -  Johann VD Hoven


UNION = UNITY! We can only ever truly be in agreement with God when we yield to His will. True unity is the fruit of hearts living in Union with the Father's heart, and of hearts being harmonized with His Spirit. It is a supernatural act, not a decision, that is only possible where hearts have yielded to find God's will and to continue to walk in surrendered obedience to Him. So long as we have personal opinions and convictions of our own and have not entered the state of fully surrenderin g our hearts to the Holy Spirit to reveal His heart in ours. Division will always remain a reality, not only among so called "denominations", but also within them. It is when we break with everything that disagrees with the Holy Spirit and lay our own will down, when He causes our hearts to become one with His heart. Acts 4 -  Johann VD Hoven


"SOMEBODY" ... THE ANOINTING NEVER "FALLS" ON YOU - IT IS ALWAYS IMPARTED (released) IN YOU BY SOMEONE WHO HAS RECEIVED IT. GOD DOES NOT SEND HIS ANGELS, OR THE WIND - HE USES A "SOMEBODY" - God sent Elijah for Elisha and Samuel for David. God sent Jesus for Peter and the other eleven, and Paul for Timothy. God sent Peter for Cornelius and his household... AND HE WILL SEND "SOMEBODY" FOR YOU! God always uses "somebody". He will also use a "somebody" to release and impart new realms of His Spirit in you! THESE "SOMEBODIES" DO NOT POSSESS THE ANOINTING, BUT ARE POSSESSED BY THE ANOINTING, AND SENT TO PASS IT ON IN YOU! PREPARE FOR "SOMEBODY"! -  Johann VD Hoven


How did the Great Awakening in the 1800's through Evan Roberts come about? Was it through great preaching? Through a show of strength in impressing others? Was it through signs, wonders and miracles? Did he wear fashionable outfits? Did he have the new moves that the so called "apostles, prophets and evangelists" so love to put on display today? Did he plaster his face on every available bill board and tried to show Himself to be a 'tiger' among the kittens? No, no, no ... Here's how it came ... on his way to a church prayer meeting, after 13 years of praying to have the fruit of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit whispered the following Words into His heart and it broke him ...  He said - "'bend', that is what you need to do!". Evan Roberts fell on his face in the snow before God and in bending he broke! He arrived late for the meeting and only a few people had remained, he called them into the church, shared God's heart with them a...
Prophets never come from the church -  They are sent to the church!  -  Johann VD Hoven


WHAT IS A TRUE PROPHET? - A true prophet always carries God's heart within theirs - Whatever is said or done is always motivated from the Father and a current and relevant, timely, expression of His heart. - Prophets, like their Father, are no respecter of persons. They will speak God's Word faithfully, giving utterance to His heart, whether their audience may be agreeable or not. - Prophets are dead men speaking. They have laid their name, fame, reputation, self-will and ambition, the love of their own lives - and themselves, upon God's altar, long before they are called to stand on His behalf as messengers sent forth from His Throne. This makes them fearless as messengers before kings and men. - Because authentic prophets are sent in God's Authority, they fear neither men or devils, knowing that they move and operate in the realm of God's Person and unlimited Power. - Prophets are sent for the sole purpose of giving true expression to the will and t...