WHAT IS A TRUE PROPHET? - A true prophet always carries God's heart within theirs - Whatever is said or done is always motivated from the Father and a current and relevant, timely, expression of His heart. - Prophets, like their Father, are no respecter of persons. They will speak God's Word faithfully, giving utterance to His heart, whether their audience may be agreeable or not. - Prophets are dead men speaking. They have laid their name, fame, reputation, self-will and ambition, the love of their own lives - and themselves, upon God's altar, long before they are called to stand on His behalf as messengers sent forth from His Throne. This makes them fearless as messengers before kings and men. - Because authentic prophets are sent in God's Authority, they fear neither men or devils, knowing that they move and operate in the realm of God's Person and unlimited Power. - Prophets are sent for the sole purpose of giving true expression to the will and t...
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